Make money with referrals!

Get 30% commission credit when your friend starts advertising with Your friend also gets a discount (see details).

So, you’re already advertising with us, and want to tell your friends all about the great calls and valuable customers you’re getting.

We just want to remind you that you should be making money from your referrals!

Get 20% commission credit when your friend starts advertising with applied to your next advertising bill. Your friend also gets a 10% off her first bill just for mentioning your name – or she can take advantage of one of the other great deals we offer.

Please read the instructions on how to get your referral goodies:

1) When your friend calls or emails a new ad, she or he must mention your name (ideally the ad phone too), so we can figure out whom to give the referral credit.

2) Your friend must be a new advertiser, or someone who hasn’t advertised with us for the past 1 year.

3) Credit will be issued only for ads that were paid in full and not refunded, for amount spent the first time the ad is placed.

4) Feel free to refer as many friends as you want – no limit! You get a 30% of whatever they spend applied against your next advertising bill. Refer a few friends at the time, and you might be advertising for FREE.

5) Made more referral credits than you know what to do with :-)? Feel free to apply them toward Premium spots – Homepage listings, Top placement in categories, or anything else, and supercharge your ad!