Valid for all Lovings, inc websites
This site contains adult material

Warning! These website contains adult material that may be offensive to some readers, somewhere.

If you are under 21 years of age or if it is illegal to view adult oriented material in your community, please go away now. Shoo! This site is not so rounchy anyway, you will be dissapointed… We cannot be held responsible for your actions. We are not acting in any way to send you this information, you are choosing to receive it. If you continue past this point, you understand and accept the responsibility for your own actions, thus releasing Lovings, Inc as well as our service provider from all liability.

By entering this site, you certify that you have full knowledge that it contains adult material. Furthermore, you are certifying that the viewing, reading and downloading of the files in this web site does not violate the community standards of your street, village, city, town, country, state, drum circle or province. Do not continue unless you know your local laws do not prohibit the viewing of sexually explicit materials. Ignorance is not a defense.

You also certify that you are wholly liable for any false disclosures and you are responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise from the viewing, posting, reading or downloading of files or material contained within this web site. You are also fully responsible for any legal ramifications that may result as a result of fraudulent entry into or use of this web site.

Lovings, Inc is not the author of the classified ads on this web site, and presents no guarantees of veracity of any statements, nor nature or quality of services listed.


Viewing content: 1.I am at least 21 years of age; 2.The material I’m viewing is for my own personal use and isn’t to be viewed by minors or anyone but myself; 2.I desire to receive and haven’t requested that the Postal Service or any Other Governmental Agency intercept sexually explicit material; 3.I can STOP receiving such material at any time by logging off now and not returning; 4.I believe that as an adult, I’ve the unalienable right to read and / or view any type of material that I choose; 5.At no time, will minors be subjected to said material of any kind; 6.By using links on the home page and / or by looking at anything on this site, I am agreeing that the material contained herein is not obscene or offensive in any way nor ever will be considered obscene or offensive. I also certify that the material presented here is not illegal or considered obscene in my street, village, community, city, state, country or province. If I am unsure, I will not continue; 8. I have a sense of humor; 9. I’m not drunk, or under the influence of drugs that can impede my judgment or give me an excuse to say “I didn’t mean it” later;

Placing an ad: 1. If I contact Lovings, Inc in order to advertise on any of the Lovings, Inc owned sites, I certify that I have the right to all the materials I made available to Lovings, Inc, and said materials do not violate any copyright laws. I also certify that I understand that any vulgar, obscene or X-rated statements or materials will be removed or edited at the Publisher’s discretion.

I certify that I am pictured in and have the right of use of the Content provided to Lovings, Inc for the purpose of advertising and that I am in full legal possession of the Content. I further certify that all Content is produced in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Child Protection Restoration and Penalties Enhancement Act and are fully compliant with all requirements of 18 U.S.C.§ 2257 and all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations.

I certify that I and all the individuals pictured or discussed in Content submitted fully understand that the submitted Content is to be used in relation to adult entertainment advertisement/promotion including publishing of the Content on Internet World Wide Web. The I certify that the advertising posted is not to be used for promotion of any illegal activities. I certify that the identification (IDs) provided in order to post photos/visual materials is true legal documents belonging to me, and I take full legal and criminal responsibility for that statement. I understand that in case that the fraudulent ID documents were provided, Lovings, Inc upon discovery reserves the right to immediately remove any advertisements and take other steps, including but not limited to such as notifying proper authorities and a permanent ban of the Undersigned and/or any agents from advertising on Lovings, Inc Web Sites, and that no credit nor refund will be issued.

Refunds/Credit: Refunds will be issued for non-published classifieds ONLY, including the classifieds refused on the grounds of obscene/vulgar/illegal content, and will reflect a 10% handling fee.
If a Lovings, Inc web site You are advertising on is not available/offline for over 24 hours, you are entitled to a credit for the downtime only. Should you decide to discontinue your advertising with Lovings, Incdue to an outage of over 48 hours, you are entitled to a refund equal to the time your ad is off line ONLY.

There will be no refund nor credit for ads removed due to fraudulent (fake) IDs or photos. Using a fake ID is illegal, and we hate it, because we don’t want underage people on our web site – so please don’t even try.

Parental blocking: This web site is listed with and in compliance with the following child-blocking services:

Concerned parents, please use the above services to block the access to our web sites. *You* are the parent, and raising your child in a way you find fit is both your right and your solemn responsibility. We made it easy and convenient to block your children from accessing our web site. Please help us and the community you live in by taking this responsibility into your own hands.

Warranty and liability: Lovings, Inc makes no warranty that goods and services available through advertisers and third party vendors will meet any particular performance or quality standards, and disclaims all other warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including implied warranties of fitness for any particular purpose, except to the extent that any warranty cannot be disclaimed under applicable law. Lovings, Inc will not be responsible nor liable for damages resulting from the use or inability to use any goods or services available or advertised through the Lovings, Inc site. Under no circumstances shall Lovings, Inc be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or injuries, including but not limited to, the loss of profit arising out of or in connection to the content of Lovings, Inc site, good or services advertised or obtained through advertisers or third party vendors. Lovings, Inc is not responsible for any typographic errors within the site. The absolute limit of liability for any claim including, but not limited to, claims due to the Lovings, Inc’ negligence, shall be any service fee, purchase fee or user fee paid by any claimant, including but not limited to advertisers and third party vendors, to Lovings, Inc in connection to the provision of services or products to the claimant by Lovings, Inc. Lovings, Inc offers no warranty express or implied pertaining to any destination, social area or resource listed. Lovings, Inc is not responsible for any products or services avertised nor the quaility thereof.

Interruptions and Discontinuances: Lovings, Inc is not and will not be responsible for interruptions or discontinuances of services including periodical system hardware and software upgrades, system reconfiguration, or by factors beyond its control; including, but not limited to equipment failure, delays, system administration conflicts, negligence, strikes, police action, world wars, dogs that eat our hard drives or acts of nature or god(s) of your choice. Lovings, Inc will, however, upon request, offer a credit for any funds paid for the actual Web Site off-line time if longer than 24 hours, of the value equal to the actual advertising cost during the off-line time only.

Any disputes will be handled by mediation and /or arbitration through the neutral parties mutually agreed upon, under jurisdiction of the state of California. If either party disputes the decisions of the mediators/arbitrators within 30 days, any further disputes will be continued in California, under jurisdiction and laws of the state of California. Should any of the clauses of this contract be unenforceable in the state/county/city of residence of either party, the rest of the clauses are still legally binding and in effect.

Privacy: Lovings, Inc does not collect the infomation about the web site visitors, past the standard log files which provide a measurement of web site traffic, the number of visitors and such – no individual information. We believe in your right to protect your privacy and follow a strict NOB policy (Not Our Business).

Lovings, inc advertisers posting photos are required to provide the indentification and the proof of age as per 18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance law along with a signed model release statement. All models are at least 18 years old.

Spam and emails: Lovings, Inc does not spam. Any affiliates or other business associates of Lovings, Inc caught spamming will be immediately removed, the business association severed, and any funds witheld. Any third party e-mail addresses in Lovings, inc possesion will not be released to other parties except by express written permission of the email owner. We are serious about this, folks. Lovings, Inc receives over a 2000 spam messages daily, which makes us really pissed off on this issue. Any spammers will be canned! *Any spam that promotes sexual abuse of children will be immediately reported to the authorities. **Spam adressed to “Webmistress” that promotes penis growth is just plain annoying.

We will occasionally contact the current and past advertisers with special promotions and site news. These emails will be sent no less than 1 month apart. You can opt out by using the appropriate “Opt out” link in the email. Your email will never be sold or made available to third parties.

18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Stetement: All models and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct appearing or otherwise contained in this Website were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions. Some of the aforementioned depictions appearing or otherwise contained in or at this site contain only visual depictions of actual sexually explicit conduct made before July 3, 1995, and, as such, are exempt from the requirements set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and C.F.R. 75. The owners and operators of this Website are not the primary producer (as defined in 18 U.S.C., section 2257) of the visual content contained in the Website except for the photographs created by Lovings, inc and identified by copyright © With regard to the photographs by Lovings, Inc and the remaining depictions of actual sexual conduct appearing or otherwise contained in this site, the records required pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2257 are kept in the following location by the corresponding Custodians of Records:

ATTN: Custodian of Records
Lovings, Inc.
1914A Clement Street
San Francisco, CA 94121

Copyright Infringement: If any of the images included here are copyrighted by someone else but Lovings, inc and participating advertisers and you are able to provide us with the copyright information, the steps will be taken immediately to comply with the copyright law; including but not limited to: removing the image in question from public display immediately and permanently. We do our best to prevent this, but the nature of the digital media makes it difficult to keep up with this kind of information. Please contact us >>through this form<< for any copyright violations. We will take is seriously, and respond ASAP within our regular business hours (M-F 10am-5pm). Please include the url of the images in question and all the materials at your disposal that prove the copyright infringement.

© Copyright 1996-2013 Lovings, Inc. All rights reserved. All pages and materials including but not limited to the digital editions of the photographs and other art work, design elements & databases, copy & layout of this site are protected by United States and international copyright laws. Copying or distribution by any means is strictly prohibited. Do NOT copy or link to images on this web site for use anywhere else on or off the internet. This means you!